Grade 1 News

Students in year 1 had their Mind and Body Incursion on the 26th of April. They were able to:

All students will also get a take-home item as a reminder of their awesome experience and the strategies they connected with from this incursion!


The Grade 1’s and 2’s attended Epping Swimming Centre twice a week for four weeks. All the students were grouped according to ability and lessons provided accordingly. The students have learnt many things such as; pool safety, emergency procedures and swimming skills. Each group focused on different areas of learning, such as basic freestyle arms, backstroke, frog kick, breaststroke, safety rules and to be confident in water.

The students were very engaged with the program and enjoyed it thoroughly. Thank you to the parents for their support and assisting the teachers.

Ms Kader Akay
Foundation to Grade 2 Coordinator